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Do you ever feel like 24 hours a day are not enough?
No time to enjoy your friends, meet deadlines, 15 minutes to read?
It may be because your lifestyle is preventing you from properly organising your time.
Start organising your life by setting your deadlines.
The best way to do that is by colour coding your tasks, and ideas.
Research shows that colour coding your thoughts can increase working efficiently, aid retention of data and thus creating a clear and organised mental environment. Soft warm colours ( red, orange, pink...) generally have a psychological effect of making people feel active ad stimulated whilst cool colours ( blue, brown...) tend to encourage relaxation, and work.
The first step in organising your day to day activities is having a great planner.
Our Planner
365 pages
day, and date at the top of the planner. Undated so you can use your planners for more years if need be
plenty writing space to use for your schedule, and colour coding
notes or end of the day considerations to evaluate your day
Mainstream Planners
100-180 pages divided in multiple days
set pages, and limited time frame. If you don't use it properly you must buy another one.
set writing space, limited space to schedule appointments and important notes
small space for notes or end of the day considerations
For those who fail at meeting personal, family, business, education deadlines... don't be hard on yourself!
You need a weekly planner!
A weekly planner set the tone of the week, write don your goals and then organise them through a daily planner.
Having a daily planner will help you keep your focus in check. Be aware, writing down too many goals, or tasks can be more harmful than helpful.
Be as specific as you can be and try to write only what you really need to be done in that time frame.
Being organised helps you in so many parts of your life.
For that, I created the ultimate printable lifestyle bundle that will hep you organise your time effectively.
You can print it at home, or head over to your local printing shop.
Having a daily planner will help you keep your focus in check.Be aware, writing down too many goals, or tasks can be more harmful than helpful.
Be as specific as you can be and try to write only what you really need to be done in that time frame.